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Workplace Culture

Enhancing Engagement & Emotional Literacy

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou

- Do your team members feel comfortable speaking up?

- Are they afraid to share their concerns?

- Do they resist asking challenging questions?

- Maybe they avoid suggesting innovative ideas because they’re worried about rejection?

Unfortunately, many people feel this way. According to a 2017 Gallup survey, 3 out of 10 employees strongly agreed that their opinions don’t count at work.

Remember: Emotions drive people – People drive performance.

So, it makes sense to have your team experience positive emotions while they’re working.

I help your team to start having conversations that increases their awareness of their own emotional state, learn how to regulate these emotions, build resilience around the challenging ones and encourage more of the pleasant ones. 

They set intentions on how to feel for their journey, as well as rituals & behaviours that they want to have. This contributes to greater innovation, accountability and productivity. 

Let's have a chat around how we can enhance your culture.


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