What is a Customer Journey Blueprint?
A Customer Journey Blueprint allows you to discover the micro-moments that make up the full experience for your customer.
Moments that mean the difference between a good experience and impressive service; between great products and unforgettable ones; between happy customers and ecstatic, review-writing, referring, loyal customers.
Embarking on this process helps you to truly understand and improve the experience that the customer has, to deliver the personalised experience that your customer desires.
Who is QE2 Consulting?
Rae MacDonald & Jean McKenzie
Two dynamic business women from Te Awamutu...
Two women who love to get people talking...
Two women who strive to see people succeed...
Two women who...

Why use QE2 Consulting?
Are YOU constantly chasing new customers?
Is YOUR messaging missing the mark?
Are YOU getting quality leads?
Is YOUR onboarding straight forward?
Does YOUR business have a growth mindset?
Do you know YOUR point of difference?
How's YOUR customer loyalty?
Using our unique T.R.A.V.E.L. Guide to understanding your customer, we show you how to design the whole journey, so that your customer becomes the Hero of their story.
Strengthen your customer's experience, and improve the overall journey; everyone wins!
Ways QE2 Consulting will support you:

Introducing QE2 Consultants